Monday, January 30, 2006

Spring er um Winter Cleaning

Yesterday I decided it was time to do something about my apartment, which as Rennick will attest was an absolute hell hole. So I hauled myself to Target and bought big plastic bins along with my stepladder. I now have neatly labelled bins in my closet filled with odds and ends that I can't bear to throw away, as well as seasonal decorations that my aunts have sent me over the last couple of years. I have very crafty aunts who go all out for every season and holiday, and they have included me in their exuberance for which I am very grateful. Unfortunately, it also means that my apartment is stuffed to the gills with things like turkey shaped candle holders and stuffed Easter rabbits. So I'm grateful to get everything off the floor, although everything is not yet off the floor. I have rather enjoyed getting organized and stayed up far too late last night putting my apartment in order. I've now hung all kinds of new things on my walls, including several pictures of my aunts and one of the new babies in the family. I don't have any new pictures of the other one yet. I need to write to my cousin and get some. He's awfully cute. At any rate, all of this is to say that I need to write this afternoon and this evening. I have a fiction story due in a week and a half and am starting to sweat.

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