Tuesday, January 10, 2006

100 Reasons to Be Happy

My pastor once mentioned a practice (Jewish perhaps?) of writing 100 things a day to be thankful for. I have not done it every day by any means, but I find myself doing it when I am feeling incredibly down. It really is good medicine. I am feeling incredibly down today. Here is my list:

1. my sister
2. Mom
3. Dad
4. fuzzy Emily
5. Judy
6. Josh
7. Judith
8. Rennick
9. Fan
10. Aunt M.
11. Aunt GA
12. Grammy
13. Mike
14. Michelle
15. Matt
16. Susan
17. Steven
18. Uncle J.
19. Angelina
20. Jonathon
21. Justin
22. Krista
23. Uncle R.
24. Aunt B.
25. my pastor
26. M.K.
27. E.K.
28. Andie
29. Sheri
30. June
31. Dr. P
32. Dr. B
33. Dr. L
34. Martin
35. Cathy
36. Jodi
37. Lauren
38. Lynette
39. Jennifer
40. Aunt B.K.
41. Uncle J.K.
42. Aunt P
43. Uncle L
44. Dominic
45. Amanda
46. Ross
47. Chantel
48. Grandma
49. school
50. books
51. writing
52. Naomi
53. Natsuko
54. Mia
55. Mary Oliver
56. Lawrence Ferlinghetti
57. Allen Ginsberg
58. Naomi Shihab Nye
59. Gloria Anzaldua
60. Daisy
61. Isabelle
62. Indigo Girls
63. No More Deaths
64. my church
65. the head pastor at my parents' church
66. my home church
67. Venice
68. Cinque Terre
69. Arenal
70. London
71. Paris
72. Xena
73. Touched by an Angel
74. Designing Women and other progressive tv shows
75. Whosoever
76. cross country
77. Coach S.
78. people who work for gay rights
79. ACLU
80. MASH
81. sleep
82. my favorite Italian place
83. my favorite Mexican place
84. iced tea
85. netflix
86. poetry
87. really bad fiction
88. really good fiction
89. Frank O'Hara
90. Jasper Fforde
91. lilacs
92. sunflowers
93. lupin
94. Harry Potter
95. cheese enchiladas
96. my favorite feminist board
97. email
98. cell phones
99. summertime
100. Christmas

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