Friday, March 03, 2006

Emily's Social Calendar

I'm feeling like quite the social butterfly lately. I have all kinds of plans this weekend, and I'm meeting all kinds of new people :) Tonight I'm going to a reading that I expect to be quite good. There will be an after party, hopefully with wine, that I will be going to.

Tomorrow and Sunday we're having marathon reading sessions for my publishing class. We have such a good class this year. It might actually be fun because we're all friends, and well, we're all fun ;). Plus the prof has promised food, and that is always a good thing.

My church is doing this great after church education piece during Lent that I'm going to start staying for, too. I'm excited about it.

I have recently met this girl who is extremely cool. It's odd because we have figured out that we actually met once before, we think last spring or fall. We went to a meeting of a local glbt group. I was an officer of it at the time. I left early that night because I had a stack of 101 essays to grade. The next day, I got an email from this girl asking me out. She was really cute, but I was dating someone at the time. I wrote her back and told her so and didn't think any more about it. All of a sudden, we've met again online and are planning to chat this weekend. It's just all sort of ironic. But cool :)

I'm also meeting a new friend for coffee on Monday. We post at the same feminist message boards and are amazed that there are two of us from the boards in this area. If any of my readers are interested in feminist message boards, drop me a line, and I'll give you the sites. They're cool places. I encourage you to try them :)

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