Sunday, July 16, 2006


So I've sort of been seeing someone. Even if it doesn't last (and who knows?), she's been really good for me. For example, last night, she dragged me out of the house and made me climb a mountain with her. It was fabulous fun, even though I can hardly walk this morning. This week, we're going hiking again and then camping this weekend. We may also go tubing at some point this week or next. She's so adventurous! I love to try new things, so it's been great to go exploring with her. On our first date, we ended up going off roading in her jeep and then going up into the hills to look over the city and listen to the coyotes. How awesome is that! I've never had such a good first date. She's always keen to show me different places she's discovered. It's awesome. We got to the top of the mountain last night and watched the sunset. It was a really nice night.

1 comment:

frog said...

Sounds VERY promising and totally enjoyable.